Αλυσίδα Κοινοποιήσεων Sapere aude
Κοινό-Ποίηση Μόλις συνειδητοποιώ ότι ο όρος “Αλυσίδα Κοινοποιήσεων” για να περιγράψει τον αγγλικό “Blockchain” είναι εύστοχος και απο ετυμολογική σκοπιά.”Ποιώ” δηλαδή κατασκευάζω.Η ποίηση εν προκειμένω ειδομένη ώς κατασκευή. Και “Κοινό”, δηλαδή ένα σύνολο…
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A Bloomberg article around the idea of a modern approach on the Socialism system. https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-10-26/maybe-we-should-take-socialism-seriously The text only of the article, is, below here. Maybe We Should Take Socialism Seriously A new White House…
What is a “Blockchain”? Technology that appears as a public, time irreversible, decentralized series of data teamed up in a chain of time sorted “blocks”. Historically the first application of the blockchain technology was…
What is a “smart contract”? We can define “Smart Contract” as the sum of all digital data that are posted in a blockchain and define the terms and conditions of completion or not of…
What is a digital wallet? A digital wallet is like a bank account. It stores your digital money.Each cryptocurrency has its own wallet. Bitcoin has a wallet for Bitcoin, Ethereum has a wallet for…
How can i acquire Digital Coins in Greece? You simply exchange traditional money with digital ones. As your traditional money exist in either of the three below types we will look at each one…
What is all this crypto-economy all about? A very good introductory article by “The New Yorker”. You can also listen to it here! The Prophets of Cryptocurrency Survey the Boom and Bust Inside…