

A cryptoasset is a digital asset that uses cryptography, a peer-to-peer network, and a public ledger to do three things.

  1. to regulate the creation of new units,
  2. to verify transactions, and
  3. to secure these transactions without any middleman.

A cryptoasset is a digital asset that uses cryptography, a peer-to-peer network, and a public ledger to do three things.

  1. to regulate the creation of new units,
  2. to verify transactions, and
  3. to secure these transactions without any middleman.

A cryptoasset is a digital asset that uses cryptography, a peer-to-peer network, and a public ledger to do three things.

  1. to regulate the creation of new units,
  2. to verify transactions, and to secure these transactions
    without any middleman.

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